Customer warning: Sauce delivery service refuses refunds after over an hour without getting a delivery

I ordered delivery tonight from a local restaurant using the platform called Sauce. It’s essentially an alternative to UberEats and Doordash. The service has no commission fees, which is good for restaurants.

Now – after I placed my order the delivered was assigned to a driver who did not move from their position for over one and 1/2 hours.

I entered support when we hit an hour to ask about my food. The customer service representative apologized, but refused to provide me a refund for the order that clearly was done a long time ago, stating once an order is assigned the customer service team cannot cancel or refund the order.

It has now been over an hour and a half and nearing 2 hours since I placed my order and I still have yet to receive it. The customer service rep says I can come back after I repeat my order or it is canceled for a refund “request’ to be submitted. That seems ludicrous though since there is no way that food will be edible when I receive it.

If you’re thinking about using Sauce for your business, I do not recommend it. It’s a lucky thing I know the owners of this restaurant or I would be on a tirade right now. The drivers have now changed over 4 times and the app continues to assign drivers without completing the order.

Truly I’m speechless at this horrible lack of customer service support.

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